The Oceanic has been greatly enjoying flying on the Raf662 server and appreciate you efforts in building the maps. But here in Aus lately my ping is over the 300 ping limit thus i get kicked and cannot enjoy your server.
So i went to your downloads page and got the Skies of Normandy.miz and the Skies of Normandy.lua files and put them both in my Users/Stribo/savedgames/dcsopenalpha/missions folder and started the server and got a script error about a moose file not being able to open. So i got the moose.lua file and dropped that in there too. Same deal. So after some googleing i worked out and went to the mission editor and put a Mission start/do script file (moose.lua) and another for the Skies of Normandy.lua. This stopped the error and loads up fine.
I can call the b17's and two German planes take off to intercept but nothing else seems to take off or spawn ,say if i fly my spit over enemy territory. Like the triggers aren't triggering? Flak is working though.
Any ideas as to what i have done wrong or do i have to just give the server more time to spawn AI ? or does it need more than one player to spawn AI ?
Many thanks

PS. This is not going into competition with your server. I will only be running it when us Aussies are flying. If i could get a better ping to the RAF server i would be there