Foxtrot Squad - Operational Bulletin

Foxtrot Squad - Rise of Flight, Squad Leader: RAF_Loke
Information on flight times, and squad-specific postings belong here

Moderators: RAF_DaddyO, RAF_Loke

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Foxtrot Squad - Operational Bulletin

Postby RAF_Loke » Fri Jan 15, 2016 9:11 am


Operation orders.

If nothing else is posted, then standard server location is: New Wings Server - Wargrounds

Time: Every Friday at approx 2000Z +/- 30min.
TS channel: - Password [guest] room: Rise of Flight.
Length of operation: Until we run out of beers, or bed calls out too loud.

Guests: Most welcome. Please join on TS!

Image At ease! Image

PS. Remember not to have MODs activated or you will not see the servers!
Image by Jens Voigt, on Flickr
"My main use of a tailhook, is to fly low and snatch up a case of beer!
So thata way I aint gotta land my plane, and get out to git the beer. It works quite well, really.
RAF_XRAY 29-07-2010"

"Getting older is not an occupation I should ever have gotten into.
RAF_Samson 29-10-2014"

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