Its up and running, RAF662 Channel Skies on our DCS server. For this map you'll need The Channel Map (down loadable terrain).
Now... here's the good stuff.
- You can fly from any of the Allied or Axis airfields with all the WWII AC slots open to you.
- Both sides have rolling, load balanced CAP aircraft 8 to a side, in overlapping zones, so don't be surprised if you see dogfights over the channel, or an occasional interdiction flight from the other side.
- Both sides have vector Flak at key spots on the map - the flak is terrifying and pretty accurate so watch out!!
- There are 4 objectives per side you can choose with the F10 menu, and objective completion score will also be kept.
- There's also some cool 'easter-eggs' I planted around

- As normal, our RAF662 DDO scoring system is in effect and will be logged to our webpages here.
Briefing Follows....
RAF662 Channel Skies
Stand off across the Straights of Dover. Complete missions against the other side to complete objectives, or supress enemy CAP or Recce flights.
Missions can be listed by using the F10-Other menu, missions will be highlighted on the map after selection with F10.
Beware! Airfields on both sides are heavily defended. Flak will be strong and scary! Beware also the ports on both sides as well, at this stage in the war all ports are well defended by flak.
Random Recce flights on both sides are common, and likely to be triggered by completion of objectives in order to access damage.
Both sides contain load-balanced AI CAP flights, minimum 8 per side. These flights automatically patrol specified zones.
Map runs from 10AM UK time, and will reset every 5 hrs.
Live scoring and stats exist and are published on live! Use -? in chat for list of scoring and comms system commands.
Axis Briefing:
Radio Freqs - Channel 2 is turned to your home airfield freq for vectors and tower instructions. Channel 3 is turned to Dunkirk-Mardyck freq, (38.6), for emergencies. Dunkirk-Mardyck can provide for vector and emergency landings.
- Fighter sweep over England - surpress enemy air opposition or attack enemy airfields.
- Destroy British Chain Home Station (Dover)
Note: destroy the flat white control center buildings, the towers are fairly impervious.
- Destroy trains at Folkestone
Note: destroy the engines and as many cars as possible
- Attack British airfield Manston
Note: bomb hangars, buildings and destroy grounded AC and vehicles.
- Destroy Spitfire Factory at Sevenoaks
Note: destroy the factory w/ large stacks attached, or the large one with spits parked outside.
Allies Briefing:
Radio Freqs - Channel A is turned to your home airfield freq for vectors and tower instructions. Channel B is turned to Manston freq, (118.25), for emergencies. Manston can provide for vector and emergency landings.
- Fighter sweep over France - surpress enemy air opposition or attack enemy airfields.
- Destroy V1 Sites near Guines
Note: destroy the v1 launcher rails
- Destroy Troop Concentration near Gravelines
Note: get the engines and as many train cars, trucks and troops as possible
- B17 Escort Bomb Sub Pens at Le Treport
Note: help the bombers destroy the sub-pens (white roofs in harbor) or bomb them yourself and get home.
- Destroy Amiens Trains
Note: destroy the engines and as many cars as possible, watch for the Abbeville-boys!
Visit for stats and information.
(Powered by scripts: MIST, FLAK (Stonehouse of RAAF No457 vSQD), MOOSE, CHANNELSKIES (RAF_Raven and RAF_DaddyO))
RECON pictures follow:
Axis Objectives
Allied Objectives STEAK!
Be advised, its a little more resource-heavy than the Normandy map, so you might have to nudge your settings down a smidge (eg. Terrain Textures lowered helps). Also, on first load be patient, it might have to generate new shader caches locally on first load - but just stick with it.