Attention Civies!

Step off the street and into our Recruiting Office... nothing doing out there anyway.

Before we chat, have a seat and WATCH THIS!

THEN We'll talk about your future...

Ok then, right...., now you've seen some of what our squad is up to, from just one theater of operations - IL2. But there's much more! Going way back to MS Combat Flight Simulator (CFS1)...Whether you're playing, Il2, Rise of Flight, Battle of Stalingrad, DCS World, Cliffs of Dover, World of Tanks, or any of the other excellent combat sim's ... consider RAF662. We're a group of like minded sim enthusiasts who love to play online combat sim's together. We have a great time recreating history, and pushing the envelope across many different games and genres. We seek to differentiate ourselves as outstanding gentlemen and ladies, excel online, and always look to provide assistance to others to help them enjoy our online hobby - together!

We strive for camaraderie and are looking to build strong, proud and long-term friendships... so we don't register new members sight-unseen.  We'd like to get to know you first online for a few days thru postings and chats on comms to see how you operate in flight and online battles.  Any skill level in any of the sims we are playing is acceptable, so please don't worry about that.  We're more interested in your online character and qualities as a future member, and hope you would plan to be with the RAF662 for the long run!     We fly and drive many online sim genre, so if you're unsure if you have a fit with us, just post up or ask.  We'd be happy to help you.

Also, while we strive to operate an all-age friendly environment, we require members to be over 18 years of age. Exceptions can be made, upon request, for family of members, or prospects over 15 with written parental consent.

A few things will be asked of you as well.  As prospects and possible future RAF662 officers we expect you at all times to agree and abide by the RAF662 Code of Conduct.   Should you be elected for a commission, we will ask that you wear your RAF uniform (tags RAF_Cdt_ or RAF_ ) at all times in online game play.  We will ask also that you proudly represent RAF662 CFSG and protect the history and reputation of the RAF662, and that you not accept a commission in any other online gaming squad while a member.

Here is a typical joining sequence:

1.) Register with an ID for our forums.  Please be sure to read and follow the forums usage information.

2.) Post up a hello, or hail any one of the RAF_members on the forums.  (The recruiting station forum is a great place to do this.)  We'd like to say hello and meet you.

3.) Obtain a copy of TeamSpeak v3 and setup to be able to access our TeamSpeak Server (The IP address of our server is posted in our home page, and instructions on TS3 can be found in the useful links section: DaddyO's Getting Started Tips.)

4.) Connect online and play and join Comms several times with RAF_ members, so we can get to know you better, and you can get to know us.

5.) If interested in requesting a membership, please post your written request for consideration to the Recruiting Station Forum.

6.) Optional:  Depending upon game genre, and for flying officers, we typically offer 2 checkride flights.  These can be great fun, and a further way for more members to meet you, and vice versa.  These are a great tradition with RAF662, and we hope that you request to take advantage of one.  These are optional, but will form a lasting memory!

7.) Upon completion of the optional checkride, Squadron officers will consider your request, and quickly return a confirmation and further instructions.

S! and thank you for your interest!
Per Amicitiam Valere (Friendship above all)


Copyright 2018