Page 1 of 1 New in game Stats commands

Posted: Sun May 06, 2018 8:45 pm
by RAF_DaddyO
S! RAFers...

i've just implemented a new set of stats commands in the DCS WWII server, so you can see your stats online while in game. The new commands should be entered into the chat window as shown below: Stats Commands available (enter these in chat):"

-? (help! display this list)"
-STATS (display my stats)"
-LEADERBOARD (display the top "..10.." on the leaderboard)"
-TOPKILLS (display the top "..10.." players in Total EA Kills)"
-TOPEARATIO (display the top "..10.." players in Enemy Aircraft Ratio, Kills/Deaths)"
-TOPPVPKILLS (display the top "..10.." players in Player-vs-Player Kills)"
-TOPPVPRATIO (display the top "..10.." players in Player-vs-Player Ratio, Kills/Deaths)"
-TOPSORTIES (display the top "..10.." players in Sorties, ie, successful returns from missions)"
-TOPAIRTIME (display the top "..10.." players in Air Time)"
-TOPTHEATERTIME (display the top "..10.." players in Total time in this Theater)"
-TOPGROUNDKILLS (display the top "..10.." players in Ground Kills)"
-TOPSHIPKILLS (display the top "..10.." players in Ship Kills)"

One other thing we intend is to implement a randomize ticker that randomly displays one of these top 10 stats each 30 minutes, this is yet to be implemented.

They should show the requested stats in the server message board. In addition to this is a new ranking score which ranks pilots for the leaderboard. ;-)...There are under testing now. Enjoy.


Re: New in game Stats commands

Posted: Sat May 12, 2018 8:19 pm
by RAF_Beerbuzz
Hey DaddyO,

I have tried the past couple of days to fly DCS RAF662 server but can not locate it. Is it under and different name?

Re: New in game Stats commands

Posted: Sat May 12, 2018 8:42 pm
by RAF_DaddyO
S! i buzz...

no its the same name, but we're now going thru an update. You can only see servers in the multi-user console that are running the same version as your machine is. I was running version 2.5.0 (release) which might be why... because v2.5.1 open Beta has been out a while. I'm in process of upgrading the server now to v2.5.1 open beta, and just about done. So look again and see if you see it now. If you're running 2.5.1 open beta, you should see it now most of the time. Ps - it crashes due to ED memory leaks from time to time also, but I have some monitoring software that trys to keep it running most of the time.


Re: New in game Stats commands

Posted: Sun May 13, 2018 3:53 pm
by RAF_Beerbuzz
Yes DDO it is working. Thanks.